Jill Hellevang - ELA
My name is Ms. Jill Hellevang and I look forward to working with your student this school year.
Contact Information
Email: jhellevang@kcpublicschools.org
Phone/Text: 816-226-7055
Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday - 10am-12pm
One-on-One Instruction
Monday - Friday by appointment
Debbie Kilgore - ELA
Contact Information
Email: dkilgore@kcpublicschools.org
Phone/Text: 816-482-9236
Meeting Times
Tuesday 10:00 am English 10 Meeting Thursday 10 am Advisory Meeting
I have been at KCPS since 1990. My husband and daughter are also teachers in other districts. I have two kids in their 20's and a dog named Patrick Mahomes. I teach English 10 and 11 this year.
Dave Laurence - Math
My name is Dave Laurence. I have been a math teacher in Kansas City for more than 30 years: I started teaching at East High School in 1987. This is my 35th year, and I still love what I do. I have many hobbies as well, including music (I'm a professional pianist and organist.) and gardening. Contact me anytime day or night if you need help.
Contact Information
Email: kdlaure@kcpublicschools.org
Phone/Text: 816-482-0783
Advisory meetings every Monday & Thursday at 1:00 PM.
C. La Shea Wilson - Math
Contact Information
Email: cwilson@kcpublicschools.org
Phone/Text: 816-944-0327
Office Hours
Tuesdays 9:30 am - 10:00 am & Thursdays 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
My name is C. La Shea Wilson. I have been in education for 16 years, now, and I love every second of it. If you ever need anything please do not hesitate to ask me.
If you need one-on-one tutoring or to request a conference please click on of the following:
Advisory Students
Jennifer Hood - Social Studies
This is my third year with KCPS and second year with KCVA. I have 10 years of experience in the healthcare field. I received my Bachelors and two Master's degrees from Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg, Missouri, and one Master's degree from the University of Phoenix. I love history and psychology, and I am a firm believer in remaining a life-long learner.
Contact Information
Email: jhood@kcpublicschools.org
Phone/Text: 816-406-1813
Office Hours
Fridays from 9:30 - 12:30
Gayle Richberg - Science
Contact Information
Email: grichbe@kcpublicschools.org
Phone/Text: 816-406-3899
Office Hours
Physics First: Tuesday 10:00-12:00
Environmental Science: Wednesday 10:00-12:00
Biology: Wednesday 1:00-3:00
Chemistry: Thursday 10:00-12:00
I have taught a variety of Science Courses for many years. I also have experience in Engineering and Toxicology. I have created two High School Robotic Teams and work on another team. I have also created Environmental Teams. I have also created a Biomedical Project Lead the Way Course for a School District. I love Science.